Relatório 2023

We present our first Report, about the iPlantForest project:

“Planet, society and economy. This is how we should classify the degree of importance of things, because after all, we live on the planet, we are the focus of the economy, so it doesn’t make sense that we have organized it in the opposite order, economy, society and planet. Without a planet, there is no society, and without society, there is no economy (the market). To guarantee our life on this planet, we have to reforest, recover degraded areas, and this will only be possible with systems and machines. AgTech iPlantForest did exactly that, developed its own system to manage the entire forest planting and management process, and created and built the most efficient machine for planting trees on a global scale, the Forest.Bot. For more information, click here.


Recovery Generation

Our proposal is: recover degraded areas with reforestation and reforest as we educate a new generation. Concrete action and education are our priority and the year 2023 will mark the beginning of this path. We are going through a very difficult period in our country and in the world. A period of denial and ignorance, and now we have to race to catch up caused by the pandemic and the cult of stupidity.We believe that it is possible to reforest with the aim of recovering degraded regions, and still offer an economic alternative for the landowner. All this respecting the environment and specific biomes.We understand that it is necessary to educate the new generation (#GenerationRestoration) with new values and a new order of priorities to guarantee our future on this planet.See how it is possible to reforest on an industrial scale, with quality and creating sustainable economic alternatives, by clicking here.

The New

We will operate in all states of the Legal Amazon: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins, in reforestation projects with native and exotic species to recover degraded areas, and in forestation projects whenever necessary. Thanks to the forest planting machine (@Forest.Bot), developed by our Business Group, we can plant an average of 1,800 trees per hour, with 2 operators. With a larger set of machines, Forest.Bot, we will be able to plant 1 trillion trees in a few years and spending much less resources. Click here and find how.


the hallmark of our business

Is it possible to make a profit and at the same time protect and care for the environment, economically include landowners who have environmental liabilities and prevent criminal logging in forests around the world from continuing in the future? For the iPlantForest Group, yes. Our team has worked for over 38 years in the technology market, creating and developing innovative solutions for companies of all sizes, in Brazil and worldwide. With the forest planting machine, we enter industry 4.0, integrating the forest planting machine, Forest.Bot, with georeferencing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and robotic automation. The iPlantForest Group is part of the low carbon economy and has the definitive solution for carbon sequestration, allowing the planting of forests on an industrial scale with low cost and quality. Find out what we are doing by clicking here.


economic, environmental and social

We will present all the detailed data of each project and the economic, environmental and social impacts of each one. To meet them, click here.

with the word

Marcello Guimarães

What are the main challenges of the iPlantForest project? What can we expect from this new Business Group? What is the role of people in building the company? These are some of the questions answered by the chairman of the board of directors, Marcello Guimarães, in short videos of approximately 2 minutes each. Click here, watch and stay on top of the most relevant topics for the iPlantForest project.

Comments, questions or suggestions for our report, please contact [email protected]To access the full report, click here.Also access the Investment Options Reports.