
From the recovery of degraded areas (legal reserve and permanent preservation areas), generation of sustainable wealth from the planting of forests, to the creation of a viable solution to avoid illegal deforestation in the future, our company has created a simple, fast and low-cost way to combat the gases that cause the greenhouse effect throughout the entire process. What would take thousands of years, that is, centuries, can be accomplished in a few years thanks to our @Forest.Bot system and machine.

We are an AgTech, a technology company that created a machine (Forest.Bot) using software and hardware (computer programs, artificial intelligence, big data and mechanical parts) to plant forests all over the world, in a simple and fast way, and which may involve people who live far from these forests.

Always thinking about solutions and not problems, we use our more than 38 years working in the technology area to create methods and now machines (Forest.Bot) that allow us to plant forests faster than any other company in the world. Our solutions are global and scalable. They are inclusive, because everyone can participate in this great enterprise of planting trees on an industrial scale to save the world.

We have a deep respect for fauna and flora, therefore, we do not plant monocultures, but forests, which mix native and exotic trees in appropriate proportions, bringing a solution that, at the same time, generates wealth, helps the environment, includes those who have environmental liabilities and cannot borrow from a bank to continue producing, and solves the problem of illegal deforestation in the future.