O segmento que primeiro deve buscar a solução é o de papel e celulose, que reclama há anos da falta de mão de obra para o plantio de seus pinus e eucaliptos.
Uma máquina de plantar árvores poderia ajudar a salvar o meio ambiente?
Um inventor brasileiro projetou o que ele afirma ser a máquina de plantar árvores mais rápida do mundo. Originalmente destinada a lucrativas plantações de monoculturas de madeira de lei.
Could a tree-planting machine help save the environment?
A Brazilian inventor has designed what he claims is the world’s fastest tree planting machine. Originally intended for lucrative monoculture hardwood plantations
Trillion Trees Challenge
It is with great satisfaction that we registered to participate in the “Trillion Trees Challenge”.
Noble wood, African mahogany becomes long-term investment with good returns
Cultivation is uncomplicated and wood can be cut without the need for authorization, says the association.
Aviso importante
A Mahogany Roraima não tem um representante de vendas autorizado a negociar qualquer tipo de investimento em nosso nome.
Financial Times: A tecnologia pode ajudar a salvar a Amazônia?
Enquanto o desmatamento aumentou sob Bolsonaro, os cientistas estão correndo para encontrar maneiras de conservar a floresta tropical
Important Warning
Mahogany Roraima has no sales representative authorized to trade any type of investment on our behalf.
Financial Times: Can Technology Help Save The Amazon?
While deforestation has surged under Bolsonaro, scientists are racing to find ways to conserve the rainforest
Climate Action: Should we plant more trees?
Ed Butler speaks to Professor Tom Crowther from the Swiss university ETH Zurich, who says planting billions of trees around the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle climate change.